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From Symptoms to Solutions: The Healthcare Revolution

In today's ever-evolving landscape of tech advancements, global health threats, and an increasingly informed patient population, the healthcare industry faces constant challenges. To remain at the forefront, healthcare providers must embrace a data-driven approach. At our core, we understand the pain points of the industry and recognize the factors that drive success. That's why we specialize in delivering significant business impact when it comes to complex IT challenges.

How do we work?

We offer cloud-based solutions that enhance resource capacity, connect data, and elevate the quality of care. Collaborating with healthcare providers, payers, and public health entities, our primary focus is placing humans at the center of healthcare. By improving access, experience, and outcomes, we drive meaningful change in the industry.

Our expertise

Qinshift provides expert consultancy services for seamless and sustainable openEHR solutions.

OpenEHR is a global health informatics open standard that focuses on the representation of electronic health records (EHR) in a shareable, vendor-neutral manner. Adopting openEHR can bring about several improvements in health operations and patient services crucial for future digital innovations and improved operational efficiencies - as well as creating cost savings and avoiding vendor lock-in. 

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Revolutionize your hospital management processes with our state-of-the-art, desktop-based Hospital Management System. Designed to encompass the entire life cycle of hospital management, our intranet solution caters to all business units and external associates. With comprehensive functional support, our system streamlines workflows for both medical and administrative staff. It enhances collaboration through a centralized patient intake and management repository. Partnering with our team of expert business analysts, engineers, and developers, you can expect customized software applications that automate manual processes, streamline operations, and deliver a flawless patient experience.

Our software solutions for ambulance and stationary modules optimize patient care processes, from admission to discharge. The ambulance module allows clients to effortlessly create patient profiles, order and pay for examinations, and access examination results in real-time. The stationary module covers everything from patient admission to discharge letters and bed management. It provides financial reporting with cost analysis and utilizes Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs) to ensure cost-effectiveness and high-quality care. With a centralized web application, real-time information management, and reduced implementation time for new functionalities, our software is the perfect tool to optimize patient care and streamline operations in any healthcare facility.

Our comprehensive cloud-based solutions range from seamless integration of existing systems to the development of cutting-edge applications from the ground up. Collaborating closely with our clients and remote teams, we provide flexible resource allocation to accommodate increased workloads or specific needs. With our expertise, healthcare providers can harness the power of cloud services and tailor-made health applications to drive efficiency and innovation. In a world where data and technology shape the future of healthcare, we are your trusted partner in navigating this transformation. Embrace the power of data-driven solutions and join us in revolutionizing the healthcare industry for the better.

Our innovative solutions establish a robust data-centric architecture, covering collection, storage, analysis, and application development. Through a collaborative approach, we ensure tailored solutions that align with the specific needs of our clients, enabling them to stay ahead of the curve.

Ready for a seamless synergy between healthcare and IT? Connect with us now for a transformative journey into digital excellence.

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