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Testing by testing type

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User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

As a crucial process and the final validation phase, UAT ensures full compliance with end-user requirements, with clients and end users participating to validate product alignment with requirements. Acceptance criteria encompass functional correctness, data integrity, performance, and more. Our main goal is to detect software bugs before release, make aligned with development specifications. UAT methodology follows guidelines for testing messages, using email, and transmitting information.

It includes Alpha UAT, which validates user patterns pre-release and facilitates rapid adjustments, and Beta UAT, which involves prior testers assessing beta releases and refining product quality through feedback.

To facilitate the acceptance testing process, the Acceptance Test Plan is a structured document that outlines the process and progresses through phased iterations. It comprises key attributes such as introduction, acceptance test category, and procedure. The conclusions that can be drawn from the test results are acceptance, adjustments required, or rejection.

Elevating software quality through user validation.

Usability testing

Usability testing focuses on practical functionality and task efficiency and ensures that your digital product, such as a website or app, is efficient and enjoyable for real users. During this process, our researchers observe user behavior and reactions as they interact with your product to validate prototypes and confirm product functionality. It can also help identify complex flow issues, catch minor errors, and ultimately enhance the user experience.

In the introduction to usability testing, we explore how users navigate websites or apps to achieve specific tasks, observe them during sessions to uncover areas of confusion and improve the overall user experience. We use various usability testing methods, including moderated, unmoderated, remote, and in-person sessions, each offering unique insights into user behavior and preferences.

Usability testing is important because it helps reveal issues that even experienced team members may overlook, ensuring that visitors can understand and navigate your site efficiently. This is particularly crucial for new products or design updates.




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