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Money 20/20

Money 20/20


The New Age of Digital Finance

Scalable financial services embedded into AI-driven value chains with seamless customer experience shift the way how we think about the financial technology and its operational efficiency. 


Finance on AI

In 2024, the financial sector is rapidly adopting GenAI, leading to exp. productivity gains and revenue growth.


Financial institutions are implementing AI

60% of banks said they had impelmented at least one AI capability already in 2020

Source: McKinsey report, 2020


AI free up support agents to be clever with clients

75% report that AI is instrumental in freeing up agents to spend more quality time with clients

Source: Conversational AI, Capacity, 2023


AI will power future interactions

95% of interaction between businesses and customers will be AI-powered by 2025

Source: Insider Intelligence, 2023

Let's shift together


Digital identity & Onboarding

Banks aim for efficient, secure, and user-friendly digital onboarding. Regulatory compliance, risk assessment, and robust identity verification is the key.

The global digital identity solution market is projected to grow by approximately 197% from 2022 to 2028!


Conversion rate & Digital first

Successfullyy finished insurance contracts +30% and completed online purchases +50%.

Source: Hedvig Insurance


Efficiency in cost & time

Onboarding costs -20-90%, Call-center calls -30% by elimination of lost passwords to client zones.

Source: MGI



Mortgage online can save avg. 70 sheets of paper with zero physical mail shipment.

Source: McKinsey

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Finance on Cloud

Today, approximately 44% of European financial services organizations’ data is already in the cloud, a number expected to grow to 52% in the coming year. It is projected to grow at a CAGR of 20%+ between 2024 and 2032, reaching around €123B by 2032, from today’s €31B.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Cloud-based CRMs allow banks to track all customer interactions, regardless of location or time. This leads to up a 20% improvement in customer service respon-siveness compared to traditional processes.


Software Engineering and Development

Efficient app development with cost reduction. Cloud platforms facilitate faster deployment of new features and services, reducing development time by 30% compared to on-premises solutions.


Cybersecurity and Risk Management

Cloud providers offer robust security standards, making environments as secure or more secure than on-premises systems. Properly implemented cloud security can reduce security incidents by 40%.

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Embedded payments

Europe anticipates significant growth of embedded finance market, targeting more than EUR 150 billion by 2028, while the Asia-Pacific region is expected to generate more than double that number by 2024.


Embedded Payments

is expected to grow at a rate of 10% annually as more retailers and service platforms adopt integrated payment systems.


Embedded Insurance

is forecasted to reach a market size of $70 billion by 2025, expanding at a CAGR of 25% as more consumers opt for convenience.


Credit Scoring

is expected to increase by 18% annually, as more platforms use embedded finance to provide real-time credit assessments.

Explore further




Mike Crosby

Director of Business Development

Mike Crosby
+49 163 8412 925


Milos Jankovic

Director of Business Development

Milos Jankovic
+381 60 457 7411

Let's shift the future of money with Qinshift

Our comprehensive financial services center caters to all your financial needs in banking, finance, and insurance. We are committed to empowering you with tailored solutions, leveraging the latest advancements in technology and finance. From seamless mobile banking experiences to robust investment opportunities and comprehensive insurance coverage, your financial success and security are our top priorities.


Our case studies


Erste Group
Intesa Sanpaolo